If they have no bread, then let them eat cake
Today's anecdotal evidence of Global Warming comes from outside. The state of Maryland is under attack by the great mythical essence known as Rain and his posse called flash flooding. Rain likes to make the water levels rise, make traffic bad, and in general, make people crazy.
Maryland is one of those states that shakes its collective head at those stubborn states in the Midwest that face tornados. It also shakes its head at Florida and maybe Georgia too for being so stubborn for living in an area in which hurricanes frequently invade -- and have the potential of wiping out all of your possessions. Don't get me wrong, we like people, we're a blue state. What we have in peace of mind we trade for a temperate environment that has definitely has four seasons.
We're not used to major natural disturbances here, so when our DirecTV goes out we begin to search for the next place to move our families so that we can escape the obvious coming of Hell on earth. Bombing in D.C.? No problem -- tell us when a real issue arises, like an earthquake.